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Ministry Partner : Support the work of Dovetail Music through regular support. We will add you to our mailing list for the latest news, updates, and prayer requests.
Ministry Partner : Support the work of Dovetail Music through regular support. We will add you to our mailing list for the latest news, updates, and prayer requests.
When so much of a person’s life has been epic in adversity AND in overcoming; through trial, trauma, loss, grief….. it’s difficult to know where to begin to summarise their gifting and artistry. With Juliet Dawn, her whole creative art is married with her personal life story- it has become her very testimony and a body of work expressing her Kingdom journey. The music and poetry are inseparable from the trials and tests of faith; not only inspiring but forming the very essence of all that’s created. Losing children, your health, and your ministry (and still holding on to your God-given destiny) are certainly circumstances from which God can create a platform to communicate something special from the very depths of His heart.
Although Juliet’s beautiful voice was originally set to task as an award-winning secular singer, she, as the daughter of pastoring parents, always desired to make a difference in the Kingdom through music and testimony. Alongside her gift of receiving, writing, and orating prophetic poetry, she now leads worship with her Mum Brenda Taylor and they create beautiful, anointed studio albums featuring. Brenda’s acclaimed songwriting. In recent years this mother/ daughter team were privileged enough to perform at the Royal Albert Hall and together they represent the musical arm of Dovetail Shalom Ministries.
Music Video for "There's a Time": The first goal is to produce a music video for a song that Brenda and Juliet wrote 34 years ago. This project holds deep personal significance as it connects to their shared history and ministry.
Interactive Experience for "Pilgrim's Progress": The second goal involves transforming Pilgrim’s Progress into an interactive video experience. This initiative aims to creatively engage audiences with timeless spiritual truths in a more immersive format.
Album Project from a Prophetic Vision: The third goal is to produce an album that carries a powerful and timely message. After a pivotal trip to Nashville earlier this year, they felt God’s call to share a collection of songs that speaks to the world’s current spiritual needs.
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