Give Your Followers Something To Talk About
Are you innovating or following the crowd?
Are people talking about you and your music or are you getting lost in the sea of artist uploading their music to the internet in the vain hope it might get discovered?
As an innovating group of people, we like to encourage artists to step out of their comfort zones and have a go and interesting activities which can put a spotlight on their music.
If you’re up for carving out your own path rather than joining very long queues, here are 10 ways to get people talking:
1. Write a song about a truly unique event...forget how your feel for a moment and focus on entertaining your audience with something very different
2. Break a world-record. It doesn’t matter what’s interesting and the press will cover it
3. Surprise your fans with gifts...people love to share their experiences of when they got something good they weren’t expecting
4. Release your music in a way that hasn’t been done before...remember how much press Radiohead got for their ‘pay what you like’ album launch
5. Ask fans interesting, intriguing and controversial questions on social media...some topics will open a can of worms but might increase engagement for positive reasons
6. Burn £1 million in cash... it worked for KLF
7. Publicly stand up for a cause that you believe in which you know not everyone will agree with. Nobody ever made a name for themselves by jumping on the bandwagon
8. Start a blog or blog talking about the things that you’re passionate about
9. Do a performance in an obscure place that’s never been used before for events rather than the ‘go-to’ local music venue
10. Don’t do number 6...just talk about how stupid that was...its guaranteed to get people interested and chipping in with their thoughts