And The Award Goes To...
Imagine a world with no new songs. The radio would be even more repetitive, stories would remain untold and the evolution of sound would grind to a halt.
To save planet earth from being stuck on repeat we've decided to partner with the wonderful folk at Open Mic UK to champion the acts bringing the best new songs to out attention.
At all of the Open Mic UK live finals, we will pick the best original song and present the artists with a Rocket Fuel trophy. The competition run by Future Music has discovered many of the UK's most popular new artists including Birdy, Lucy Spraggan, Emily Middlemas and Luke Friend.
Earlier this year, Rocket Fuel founder Andy Baker join the panel of judges for the Grand Final of the competition at the NEC in Birmingham. With over 10,000 entrants annually, the level of talent is sky-high. Artists get the opportunity to perform in front of leading industry executives and gain written feedback in their performance
The acts winning these awards in 2015 might be winning Grammy's in 2016 and beyond.